Grolier The World's Greatest Classics 50 Volume Hardcover Book Set

Up for sale is this EXTREMELY hard to find Grolier The World's Greatest Classics 50 Volume Hardcover Book Set!! As you can see in the pictures this set is still in very good condition!!

This set includes the following books...

The Divine Comedy-Dante

Great Poetry of the English Language

Paradise Lost/Paradise Regained-Milton

The Odyssey-Homer

The Illiad-Homer

Faust/The Sorrows of Young Werther-Goethe

The Complete Tragedies-Shakespeare

The Complete Histories/Poems-Shakespeare

The Complete Comedies-Shakespeare


The American-James

A Tale of Two Cities-Dickens

Red Badge od Courage/ Stories-Crane

The Moonstone-Collins

Crime and Punishment-Dostoyevsky

The Idiot-Dostoyevsky

Moby Dick-Melville

Madame Bovary-Flaubert

Don Quixote-Cervantes

Jane Eyre-Bronte

Ana Karenina-Tolstoy


Vanity Fair-Thackery


Pride and Prejudice-Austen

Short Storied-Maupassant

Joseph Andrews-Fielding

Wuthering Heights-Bronte

The Way of All Fresh-Butler

The House of Seven Gables-Hawthorne

The Scarlet Letter-Hawthorne

Robinson Crusoe-Defoe

Lives of Ten Noble Greeks and Romans-Plutarch

The Republic-Plato


Boswell's Life of Dr. Johnson

Autobiography of Benvento Cellini

Classical Literature of Asia

Basic Documents of American History


Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

The Age of the Fable-Bulfinch


Essays- Emerson

An Invitaton to Great Reding-Zulli

Gulliver's Travels-Swift

Pere Goriot-Balzac

The Pilgrim's Progress- Bunyan

The Prince-Machiavelli

The Courtier- Castiglione

Huckleberry Finn ~ Mark Twain

If you would like to buy this Grolier The World's Greatest Classics 50 Volume Hardcover Book Set please visit our Ebay Store!

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